Scale Operation

Level I
General Laborer

Revision Date: September 17, 2015


Scale Operation

This is an example of the most common scale we have at J & E. These scales commonly have a 100 pound capacity or a 50 pound capacity. You will find the heavier capacity scales in areas that have a greater need to weigh heavier product.

Before you begin it is important to point out that anytime you are adding product to the weighing bucket/box you should always do so on the work bench not on top of the scale. These are calibrated devices.  Doing so may damage the scales capability to weigh and you may damage the display.

Please try to ensure your hands are relatively clean. The more we take care of our tools the longer they will work for us.


Using the scale to count

    1. The first thing you should always do is make sure there is nothing touching your scale.
    2. After you have verified nothing is touching your scale you should place the empty weighing vessel, whether that be a bucket, box, or bin on the scale.
    3. You need to ensure your scale is set to count rather than simply weigh product. To do this toggle the “COUNT/WEIGHT” button and you will notice the number in the display change from a decimal to a single integer, usually 0. You will also notice the arrow to the left of the display pointing to Count or Weight.
    4. Now press the yellow “ZERO” button.
    5. Cont…
    6. Now press the “SAMPLE” button. If you press the sample button repeatedly you will notice the piece count is rotating through several options. This is important because if you are weighing smaller lighter parts you will need to increase the piece count to 25 or even sometimes 100 pieces.IMG_0603
    7. Once you have decided how many pieces should be used as your initial sample place them in your weighing vessel all at the same time.
    8. Now give your scale a second to calibrate. Once calibrated you should be able to use the scale to count out the pieces. To ensure the scale has been calibrated correctly add three or more parts to verify the count is accurate.

    Using the scale to weigh

    1. The first thing you should always do is make sure there is nothing touching the scale.
    2. After you have verified nothing is touching the scale you should press the “ZERO” button.
    3. Now toggle the “COUNT/ WEIGHT” button and you will notice the number in the display change from a decimal to a single integer, usually 0. You will also notice the arrow to the left of the display pointing to Count or Weight.
    4. Once your scale has been set to Weight simply set the product on the scale and you will have your weight.