Shipped Query: SQ

Level I
Sales Associate

Revision Date: September 17, 2015


Shipped Query: SQ

To access Shipped Query type “SQ” at a prompt and press ESC.  The Shipped Orders Query program allows you to view information on an invoiced order.  Select QUERY from the ring menu.  The computer will prompt you for search criteria.  To navigate through this screen you can enter specific data and press ENTER to proceed to the next data field.  When you have entered all known search criteria, press ESC to execute the search.


When the computer responds with the results of the search another ring menu appears that prompts you to these options: NEXT, PREVIOUS, OPEN ORDERS, or ACCEPT.  The NEXT and PREVIOUS are used if there is more than one invoice that match the search.  By selecting OPEN ORDERS the computer will let you view any open orders that pertain to the invoice shown.  When you ACCEPT the invoice, the computer will list all line detail information.


The Shipped Query ring menu list REMOVE and VIEW options along with QUERY.  REMOVE is never used and VIEW is rarely used by the inside sales staff.  VIEW and QUERY are similar, however, VIEW will allow the user to print a copy of the search results.