Loading a Customers Order

Level I
Packager II

Revision Date: September 29, 2015


Loading a Customers Order

Various announcements are made on the intercom system throughout the day. These may be pages for phone calls or to let someone know to come to the office, etc.

Another announcement that all employees need to listen for is the call that a customer is coming to a specific warehouse door to pick up an order. Once this call is made, you will need to do the following.

  1.  Communicate to the sales office / front counter if you are or are not available to meet the customer to load their product.
  2. If you are not available, you need a valid reason such as, working on an urgent order or you were directed by your supervisor not to.
  3. If you are available, proceed to the door directed by the salesperson.
  4. Greet the customer with a smile and ask to see their ticket. They should have a pink copy of their order.
  5. You will verify the name, order number and package count on the ticket and on the product labels.
  6. Then proceed to load the customer’s product safely and using the proper equipment.
  7. Once you have finished loading the customer, please be sure to thank them.